17 August 2009

Who influences our children's education?

I try to ignore political and entertainment gossip. This means that, because of my deliberate head-in-the-sand attitude, I often am unaware of national news. I missed the media focus on William Ayers as an associate of Barack Obama. But I learned about Mr Ayers today when looking at communist influences on American education.
14 years ago I was always adding to a particular list---daily adding new reasons to homeschool. Columbine was on it right after school buses without seat belts in a world that insisting on regulating seat belts and car seats in personal vehicles. The joy in watching Christopher or Cherilyn take another step forward in their lives, the fear I saw in my friends when talking about their children's teachers, school subjects, bullies, etc. There was a new addition every day for quite some time--long enough that I never had to doubt our choice to homeschool, praise God.

Today I'm adding another. This is only one link of many I sought out to substantiate the over-emotional 'news' reports. This substantiates Ayers position (at least in 2008). http://www.hepg.org/her/abstract/736 There are plenty of others (he is an author) which give insight to his stated positions.

I do not object to giving people second chances or fresh starts, I respect the rights of anyone to stand for what they believe and I admire those who stand for equality and peace. Ayers, however, claimed to stand for equality and peace, but his words and actions (that I've made efforts to track down to original sources) display both hatred and violence. This man, who maintains the core beliefs he held while in leadership of a violent anti-government organization, was selected to serve as vp in curriculum development for the American Educational Research Association. I don't want this radical man influencing the education of future Americans.

Maybe it is only radical men who have influence. That makes sense, right? And I do not know how much influence the AERA has on public schools today...or if I'd disagree with their positions... I began the research but became disheartened.

Parents, please, take the time to educate yourselves! Home schooling is not the best choice for all families, but parental influence in the education of their children is vital. Start making a list...see what you find.

01 August 2009

Women's Work

Those in PWOC and others working with women-oriented ministries might enjoy this article about Lottie Moon.