12 September 2009

Barnes & Noble Educator Discount includes Homeschoolers!!

This is worth checking out!!

B&N Educator Program

Educator Discount, Resources & More

As an Educator, you'll save 20% on all purchases for classroom use.* Plus, you'll get up to 25% off during Educator Appreciation Days, valuable email offers, and information on special Educator events.

Homeschooling parents.
At Enrollment and renewal homeschooling parents must provide photo ID and a letter with the following information: family name and address; name of homeschooling parent(s); grade level of each child being homeschooled.

11 September 2009

11 September 2009

Today is 11 September. I became sick to my stomach this morning while sitting in the orthodontist's office waiting for the kids. On the tv, the original news broadcast from eight years ago was playing as though live. The emotions expressed by those going through this for the first time--not knowing what I know now, or even what I knew 8 years ago, just a few hours in their future--were more than I could handle.

I hope my heart never stops breaking at the tragedy of that day. In truth, I hope my heart is always responsive to the pain in the world. I don't want to have a heart hardened against it or dulled by it or desensitized in any way. With God's help, I want to have a heart like his.

I am busy with all the details (large and small) regarding the PWOC-Central Region 2009 Conference. So much so right now that I am not getting any schoolwork done. I knew this situation would arise and planned for it by finishing all the credits I needed early in the term. It is still very hard to feel like I am neglecting my schoolwork. Please pray with me that I will balance my responsibilities while maintaining my sanity and glorifying God!

The kids are getting their schoolwork done, and I am grateful for that!! Both are currently of the mind to work towards degrees in Kinesiology/Physical Therapy. It makes me smile to think of them both in the same field.

Thanks for reading. Good night.

02 September 2009

Convention on the Rights of the Child

I had almost forgotten about this one!!! But Boxer is now teamed with Obama. Don't we have other pressing issues??

It frustrates me how people point out that it is the US and Somalia 'left behind' as the only countries which have not ratified the UN Rights of the Child International Treaty. Lumping us with Somolia as a bad thing only makes sense if signing would lump us with the countries which have signed but continue to abuse children. Instead we are being judged unfairly. Hypocrisy abounds in the facts that these other countries continue to exploit children as soldiers, laborers and prostitutes.

This is not a 'human rights' issue. In the US, the rights of children are already protected. We prioritize and protect our children and we protect the concept of parental rights, which, in turn, provides our children with extra and personalized benefits. Seriously!

The Constitution recognizes International Treaties as binding and enforceable even above state laws. This is insane--

Read the part where the treaty becomes 'the supreme law of the land'--and laws will have to be made to enforce it. Ugh...

Even if you believe we need more rights for our children, we have a legal system in place for achieving these goals. Certain areas where the US would not be in compliance include the use of corporal punishment and the ability to try a minor as an adult. Americans can continue to work towards eliminating these items in the same manner as they worked to legalize abortion and the death penalty.

UN Convention will not ensure more rights, but it could threaten rights we cherish.

Homeschooling is one example; look at how the treaty has been used in other countries. Do the research, because this is not a simple left or right issue. (Nothing often is!) All parents are affected. Parental choice to remove their children from certain sexual education courses is defined by the UN as limiting a child's right to education and free speech. Homeschooling is denying children a right to an education. See the khouse link below which has many quotes from HSLDA.

Parental involvement in education is only one parental right threatened: the UN policies would have children given access to health care without parental permission. My concern is not the policies themselves, but the source of the policies. Why would we give up our right to vote and choose at the local, state and national level in favor of ideals put forth by an organization that can't enforce its own sanctions?? It is silly to even consider.

The United States does not need to answer to the United Nations on human rights issues. The UN might be better focused on the those who flaunt treaties and world opinion and exploit and abuse their own people. That is shameful government.

Sources and additional info (with varying viewpoints):
More general information: