26 October 2010

Root fun!!

I love me some roots!!

A.Word.A.Day 10-25-10 email described this week's theme:

Here's a week of words made with various combining forms to expand your verbal repertoire. Feel free to mix and match them; try various combinations and permutations to bring a little variety, a little zest, to your lingo. The combining forms we are using this week are:
ventr- (belly), poso- (what quantity), onoma- (name), hagio- (holy), miso- (hate)
-logy (study), -mancy (divination), -latry (worship), and -gamy (marriage).  

I read this and immediately began wondering how I could use my new word, ventrilomancy, in a sentence. J 
  • "A mother's ventrilomancy can spare her children much suffering, if she chooses to act on it." 
  • "The doctor chose not to record his ventrilomancy on the record, even though his gut feeling had saved the patient's life."
Share your ideas--using this word or your own creations!


20 October 2010

Looking for a reason not to celebrate Halloween?

I'm not looking for controversy, but offering a resource. (I could ironically cackle here, but don't want to add to any offense.)

Dressing up is fun and many activities can be harmless. But danger lurks in this world--seen and unseen.

I encourage families to bypass 31 Oct as a celebration. Dress up and play another day. Avoid the affiliation with groups who attribute more significance to the unholy-day. There are too many for whom this is not a night of fun and games, but intentions much more serious.

...he will give out candy to his neighbors when they trick or treat. When the doorbell stops ringing, 25 of his followers will accompany him into his backyard, light torches and a bonfire, and set up an altar for prayer. "We'll call the spirits of the dead and invite them back to our house for one night of remembrance," he said.

As they speak to a mirror and whisper into a crystal ball, trying to reach their dead ancestors, their actions will be motivated by love. "We get messages from our loved ones," said Poirer. "Our ancestors give us strength for the new year."

Steven Rosenberg, GLOBE STAFF CORRESPONDENT. "THE WITCHES IN OUR MIDST THIS MECCA ATTRACTS TOURISTS, ACOLYTES ALIKE." The Boston Globe (Boston, MA). 2002. HighBeam Research. (October 20, 2010).  http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-7756209.html

18 October 2010

Foggy perspective

Just thinking about my outlook on life. I need to bring in into better alignment with God's plan for my life, I believe. I find myself wishing that I could restore the past--health, physique, mental acuity, even relationships--when I should be looking forward and focusing on the spiritual.

Perhaps it relates to being 40 this year. It is most likely that most of my earthly life has been lived. I feel, sometimes, like I am now batting cleanup. Certainly, I have not done all that I'd set out to, or hoped to, or could have done. And with my current (meaning during the periodic funk in which I find myself) outlook, that frustrates me. I know that I need to adjust my thinking (take every thought captive)--I know that God has led my life and He has given me blessings beyond number and still has purpose and blessings in store.

When I consider the past 40 years, I am overwhelmed with all He has done. I need to appreciate that more and stop focusing on how little I have done. How silly am I to compare my achievements with His?? Duh. Of course, I am not really. I am comparing what I have accomplished with what I think He wanted me to accomplish. But again, I will decide to humble myself and submit to His judgement, not my own.

I am coming off a week-long cold which has added to the foggy thinking. Rejoice in the Lord with me, my friends, for He has done great things! I woke up singing the First Song of Isaiah (tune by Jack Noble White). It is a great song to 'put on' in the morning before facing the day's warfare.

Chorus:Surely it is God who saves me;
I will trust in him and not be afraid.
For the Lord is my stronghold and my sure defense,
and he will be my Savior.
V1Therefore you shall draw water with rejoicing
from the springs of salvation.
And on that day you shall say,
give thanks to the Lord and call upon his name.
V2Make his deeds known among the peoples;
see that they remember that his name is exalted.
Sing the praises of the Lord, for he has done great things,
and this is known in all the world.
V3Cry aloud, inhabitants of Zion; ring out your joy,
for the great one in the midst of you is the Holy One
of Israel.

My meditation verse for the week (1 Tim 4:8--with parts from v7)...
Train yourself to be godly. For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and for the life to come.

...leads to this prayer
Lord, help me to have a godly perspective. Help me to want to have a godly perspective and to strip away everything else. Thank you for the blessings of this life and the promise of the life to come. Show me the way, and help me to follow. In Jesus' name, Amen.