26 November 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

It is Thanksgiving, and I am frustrated. That doesn't seem right, does it??

I am frustrated, as I often am, by politics posing as religion.

God vs Government: Religious freedom from government interference; civic freedom from religion…that is another post.

My concern today is judgment vs compassion as a Christian, as a patriotic American Christian. Here are some questions that frustrate me:

  1. Why do faithful believers align themselves stubbornly with political parties? Who authorizes political parties to claim moral superiority?? Pat Buchannan? Jesse Jackson?
  2. Why do these polarized brothers in faith display such hatred for each other? The use of disparagement, appeal to false authority, and emotional appeals to cultural norms should discredit many high profile individuals and their opinions. And, yet, Americans, even those called to "be not of this world," follow these firebrands like mindless sheep. We are not really mindless sheep. That is unfair to the sheep species. We are narrow minded human—vengeful, proud, strong willed, self-serving humans. And Christians do not stand out as different in this flock. We are failing to follow the only shepherd who knows the true way, and consequently, we are failing to bring others to him.
  3. Why do some try to bring paradise to earth by expelling all those they find unworthy?? Perfection will never exist on this side of eternity. Morality cannot be legislated if we can't even define morality. Remember that we are judged by the rule we use to judge, we ask for forgiveness as we forgive others, they will know His love because we show it.
  4. Why does each faction claim to respect life more than others, but argue over its value with no awareness of where life is found? Abortion and the death penalty; euthanasia and welfare; war and peace; truth and freedom; feed the hungry, defend the weak, turn the other cheek... (Save the cheerleader, save the world). To whom does the right to choose belong? Where are the lines drawn…what principles should we establish as a state and as individuals?
  5. Does anyone notice the historical comparison begged by the situation? Orthodox, righteous, prim and proper…pharisaical hypocrites…don't get me started.
  6. Why can't I raise these questions without being called names? "Holier-than-thou" is the one that upsets me the most. I'm not holier than anyone. My sin is as clear as the hole in my head. Vanity, pride, self-reliance, intellectual snobbery, disdain, covetousness…do I need to add a disclaimer every time? These questions are not born out of perfection, but out of a desire to know how to grow more Christ-like. I will not apologize or be ashamed of that desire; it is my only redeeming quality. J

Today, I am especially thankful for the knowledge that my Redeemer lives!! He offers life and love to everyone in his creation and he wants me to help pass on the invitation to this special offer.

Let us pray with grateful hearts in the name of Divine Love Incarnate, Jesus, asking the God of Love to instill a deep, incomprehensible passion in our hearts for our families, neighbors, friends and enemies. Amen.

24 November 2009

My Husband Is an Overbearing Jerk … and I’m a Pouty Little Snot

The Family Room archives - FamilyLife.com

Worth Reading.

NOTE!! This title got me in trouble with some of my dear friends intent on holding me accountable in my marriage. :) So little faith!! Read the article for the entire meaning...you might like it!

18 November 2009

Why youth don't take us seriously

I got a kick out of this snarky blog post today. It is mocking a community service post which explains to parents the dangers of the internet.

Please note, I disagree with the author's position other posts, but appreciated this one. So I am not endorsing the blogger, okay?

12 September 2009

Barnes & Noble Educator Discount includes Homeschoolers!!

This is worth checking out!!

B&N Educator Program

Educator Discount, Resources & More

As an Educator, you'll save 20% on all purchases for classroom use.* Plus, you'll get up to 25% off during Educator Appreciation Days, valuable email offers, and information on special Educator events.

Homeschooling parents.
At Enrollment and renewal homeschooling parents must provide photo ID and a letter with the following information: family name and address; name of homeschooling parent(s); grade level of each child being homeschooled.

11 September 2009

11 September 2009

Today is 11 September. I became sick to my stomach this morning while sitting in the orthodontist's office waiting for the kids. On the tv, the original news broadcast from eight years ago was playing as though live. The emotions expressed by those going through this for the first time--not knowing what I know now, or even what I knew 8 years ago, just a few hours in their future--were more than I could handle.

I hope my heart never stops breaking at the tragedy of that day. In truth, I hope my heart is always responsive to the pain in the world. I don't want to have a heart hardened against it or dulled by it or desensitized in any way. With God's help, I want to have a heart like his.

I am busy with all the details (large and small) regarding the PWOC-Central Region 2009 Conference. So much so right now that I am not getting any schoolwork done. I knew this situation would arise and planned for it by finishing all the credits I needed early in the term. It is still very hard to feel like I am neglecting my schoolwork. Please pray with me that I will balance my responsibilities while maintaining my sanity and glorifying God!

The kids are getting their schoolwork done, and I am grateful for that!! Both are currently of the mind to work towards degrees in Kinesiology/Physical Therapy. It makes me smile to think of them both in the same field.

Thanks for reading. Good night.

02 September 2009

Convention on the Rights of the Child

I had almost forgotten about this one!!! But Boxer is now teamed with Obama. Don't we have other pressing issues??

It frustrates me how people point out that it is the US and Somalia 'left behind' as the only countries which have not ratified the UN Rights of the Child International Treaty. Lumping us with Somolia as a bad thing only makes sense if signing would lump us with the countries which have signed but continue to abuse children. Instead we are being judged unfairly. Hypocrisy abounds in the facts that these other countries continue to exploit children as soldiers, laborers and prostitutes.

This is not a 'human rights' issue. In the US, the rights of children are already protected. We prioritize and protect our children and we protect the concept of parental rights, which, in turn, provides our children with extra and personalized benefits. Seriously!

The Constitution recognizes International Treaties as binding and enforceable even above state laws. This is insane--

Read the part where the treaty becomes 'the supreme law of the land'--and laws will have to be made to enforce it. Ugh...

Even if you believe we need more rights for our children, we have a legal system in place for achieving these goals. Certain areas where the US would not be in compliance include the use of corporal punishment and the ability to try a minor as an adult. Americans can continue to work towards eliminating these items in the same manner as they worked to legalize abortion and the death penalty.

UN Convention will not ensure more rights, but it could threaten rights we cherish.

Homeschooling is one example; look at how the treaty has been used in other countries. Do the research, because this is not a simple left or right issue. (Nothing often is!) All parents are affected. Parental choice to remove their children from certain sexual education courses is defined by the UN as limiting a child's right to education and free speech. Homeschooling is denying children a right to an education. See the khouse link below which has many quotes from HSLDA.

Parental involvement in education is only one parental right threatened: the UN policies would have children given access to health care without parental permission. My concern is not the policies themselves, but the source of the policies. Why would we give up our right to vote and choose at the local, state and national level in favor of ideals put forth by an organization that can't enforce its own sanctions?? It is silly to even consider.

The United States does not need to answer to the United Nations on human rights issues. The UN might be better focused on the those who flaunt treaties and world opinion and exploit and abuse their own people. That is shameful government.

Sources and additional info (with varying viewpoints):
More general information:

17 August 2009

Who influences our children's education?

I try to ignore political and entertainment gossip. This means that, because of my deliberate head-in-the-sand attitude, I often am unaware of national news. I missed the media focus on William Ayers as an associate of Barack Obama. But I learned about Mr Ayers today when looking at communist influences on American education.
14 years ago I was always adding to a particular list---daily adding new reasons to homeschool. Columbine was on it right after school buses without seat belts in a world that insisting on regulating seat belts and car seats in personal vehicles. The joy in watching Christopher or Cherilyn take another step forward in their lives, the fear I saw in my friends when talking about their children's teachers, school subjects, bullies, etc. There was a new addition every day for quite some time--long enough that I never had to doubt our choice to homeschool, praise God.

Today I'm adding another. This is only one link of many I sought out to substantiate the over-emotional 'news' reports. This substantiates Ayers position (at least in 2008). http://www.hepg.org/her/abstract/736 There are plenty of others (he is an author) which give insight to his stated positions.

I do not object to giving people second chances or fresh starts, I respect the rights of anyone to stand for what they believe and I admire those who stand for equality and peace. Ayers, however, claimed to stand for equality and peace, but his words and actions (that I've made efforts to track down to original sources) display both hatred and violence. This man, who maintains the core beliefs he held while in leadership of a violent anti-government organization, was selected to serve as vp in curriculum development for the American Educational Research Association. I don't want this radical man influencing the education of future Americans.

Maybe it is only radical men who have influence. That makes sense, right? And I do not know how much influence the AERA has on public schools today...or if I'd disagree with their positions... I began the research but became disheartened.

Parents, please, take the time to educate yourselves! Home schooling is not the best choice for all families, but parental influence in the education of their children is vital. Start making a list...see what you find.

01 August 2009

Women's Work

Those in PWOC and others working with women-oriented ministries might enjoy this article about Lottie Moon.

28 July 2009


A lab science opportunity like no other!! Check it out--

Oral Surgery & Confirmation

Well that is a weird title. :)

Please pray for David Brian. He goes in for oral surgery today (something about restoring bone density so that he can get a tooth implant) at 1pm. He is on quarters for the next two days and then will go back for a follow up and a possible extension of quarters. He seems to have no anxiety and is only letting me take him because I insisted, so that is good. We will be feasting on pudding, soup, mashed potatoes, and ramen noodles for the rest of the week.

Also, for family and those local, mark your calendars. Cherilyn’s confirmation is 16 Aug—just a few days after her sweet 16. We will be combining both into a single celebration after the ceremony.

27 July 2009

Pregnancy & Deployment

When David was first scheduled to deploy, we went to a special presentation to help prepare us. In actuality, it broke my heart. I looked around the room at so many obviously pregnant women--young and afraid. Since then I have known many who gave birth without the daddy being around. Sometimes they are not without family, but sometimes they are.

I want to share this information with anyone who is going through this or knows anyone going through this.

Operation Special Delivery is dedicated to providing doula services to women whose husbands are deployed or have been injured in the line of duty. Here in Central Texas, I'd can happily recommend of the doulas who volunteers. Please check out the websites here:

21 July 2009


Friends for a Season
Friends for a Reason
Friends for a Lifetime

Friends for a season are those with whom you have a connection, something in common. Maybe you or your husbands work together, or you have kids close in age. Maybe you have the same passions or hobbies. Maybe you live in the same neighborhood. For whatever reason, you are in the same circle and you connect. These are precious friendships that come in a great variety.

Seasonal friendships don't always last beyond the season. If you lose that which brought you together, it is likely that you won't spend the same amount of energy and time investing in the friendship. This is a natural thing and is not unusual. You have shared some wonderful experiences and are likely to have made precious memories. Don't mourn this loss--there are more seasons ahead.

A friend for a reason may start out as a seasonal friend, but I've had friends for a reason that I was never that friendly with before the 'reason' occurred. 'Reasonal' friendships happen when one person simply needs another. Perhaps they have suffered a tragedy or are feeling lonely or confused. These are not often two-way relationships, but the reason may be on either side. I have been the friend with the need and I have also met the needs of others.

These friendships may be even briefer than those seasonal ones, but can last longer. It isn't through a lack of recognition or appreciation that people drift apart, but the reason is not there anymore. Unless there is more to hold you together, it is okay to allow that parting gracefully--and, often, gratefully.

Blessings come from both of these friendship types. I can't address the Friends for a Lifetime category since my life is not yet complete. But, I suspect that a few from both of the other categories will emerge in the end as lifetime friends.

Guaranteed to be my lifetime friends are my sisters. I remember when my youngest sister was upset that I considered our middle sister my friend, but not the youngest one. She didn't accept that being my sister was a lifetime relationship. I am now delighted to call both of my sisters, friends.

Additionally, there are a very few other women whose friendships I value as I do my sisters. These are unique and startlingly amazing individuals. My heart breaks with theirs in sorrow and soars with their joy. These friends have spanned a barrier and been joined with me, I can only assume, by God's touch. I do not worry about facing condemnation when I share honestly with them. I do expect reproach when it is warranted. I do not worry about them breaking my confidence. I would never break theirs. Together, I believe, we can influence the world around us--through our marriages, our children, our ministries.

Some of these women I speak to only once or twice a year. I know we will make up for lost time in heaven, but I miss their daily input and impact in my life. Others I seek out more often, but I am always happy when we find time to laugh and cry as we share together.

I am not the only person to have these types of friendships, I know. But since they are such a huge blessing to me, I just felt the need to acknowledge them. Thank you, my friends.


As I wrote this my mind filled with pictures and I did laugh out loud and I did become somber as I recalled different memories. Know that I prayed for many of you today!!

13 July 2009

1 Peter 3:15

I do not typically read from the NLT, but this morning a verse was in my inbox:

Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. And if someone asks about your Christian hope, always be ready to explain it. ~ 1 Peter 3:15, NLT

This is not how I remember the verse, but it did raise a question in me.

What does it mean to worship? Sure, I am supposed to worship Christ as the Lord of my life, but I have not considered what that should look like--I just figure that I do.
I know that I can spend time in worship--deliberately dedicating my attention to loving God. And I do. Singing praise, words of adoration, time in prayer...are these worship?
I think so. But is that all worship is??
I also make choices based on His Word. I do things I'd rather not do because I know He wants me to do it. Is this obedience worship? I think of it as showing honor--the same way I would honor my parents. I have no real experience with monarchy, but I'd like to think that I follow God in the same manner that I'd follow a beloved king. Respect, honor, dedication, obedience...are these worship?
I do not know.
Feeling better after reading 1 Peter 3:15 in the other versions.
NASB: but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence;
That sounds more familiar. Santify is to set apart, to make holy. This fits better with my picture of both worship and honor.
Someday, when I've run out of things to do, I want to again try to learn Greek and Hebrew, to study the Bible through fewer translations. That would show honor and it could be a form of worship...and, in reference to the rest of 1 Peter 3:15, I'd be better able to 'defend my faith' or 'account for my hope' with gentleness, fear, reverence, meekness, respect, courtesy...

30 May 2009

St Francis Quiz

This year is the 800th anniversary of the Franciscan order. Christian History website offers this short quiz. I scored a '6.' Thanks, Mom, for teaching me about the 2nd order. :)

29 May 2009

Why are my eyes green??

Eye color is caused by melanin content in the iris stroma. The higher levels of melanin, the darker the eyes. This site appears to offer other cool info for homeschoolers and others who love to learn. :)

19 May 2009

Do you understand the concept of copyright??

© What is Copyright is a site that offers a brief overview of general copyright questions including web graphics, html, and the steps to create a copyright of your own original material. Specific information for the US can be found at the US Copyright Office website. ©

08 May 2009

Why be de-baptised??

At this link is an article about a man requesting the recording of his 'de-baptism' at an Anglican church. I intend no disrespect to the individual, but the interest in the group encouraging this (British National Secular Society) seems to me a contradiction. What concerns an atheist about this record? Do they fear that God might let them in to heaven on accident?? or, if not God...then are they concerned about the other atheists teasing them for the records existence? It puzzles me. Now I'm not confused that there is an organization profiting from the sales of certificates of "de-baptism," just that atheists are buying them.

04 May 2009



29 April 2009

New Computer

How long should a computer last?  I know that some people use the same old desktop they’ve had for 10 years. I have not had a computer that didn’t need to be replaced (either to keep up with technology—HD space/RAM—or because it simply no longer worked) within the first 36 months. I am now averaging just 2 years. The upside is that I’m spending less now than 10 years ago. instead of $1200, I’m trying to keep it between $600-$700.

This long introduction is leading up to the introduction of my new computer. Hello Red1. Yes, that is her name. David is now using Red2. :)  Once I strip all the Dell preinstalled software and install MS Office, I think we will be very happy together.

I’ll be transferring photos off the old SilverDell to our external hard drive so that Cherilyn can personalize it for her use. David’s HP will be available to Christopher (who has a working HP of his own, but the other will be a more permanent fixture in his room while his is more portable.) Finally, the desktop Cherilyn has been using will ‘belong’ to the whole family in the living room.

Oh! I should include a photo. I don’t have one of the computer, but since it has a webcam, perhaps I can take one with the computer. :)

Ok. I tried, but can’t figure out how to use the webcam without installing extra programs I do not want.


UPDATE Figured out how to take that picture. :) 'Scuze my pj's and lack of makeup. LOL!

01 April 2009

April Fool's

I am concerned about the computers affected by April Fool’s viruses. I thought that the hype was just hype, but I’m learning that many people have been having issues. I’ll post links on Facebook as I find them. :-) Safe computing!

18 January 2009

16 January 2009

Why I love FaceBook

The irony made me laugh--each friend updated their status "7 hours ago."

08 January 2009

Tragic Teens

Honestly, there is no redemptive value in this post. I found this link when telling Cherilyn that not all songs tell the story of good girls falling for 'bad boys' or boys their parents dislike. So I told her about "Patches" and "Rag Doll." Anyway, searching for the lyrics turned up this page. Many are more contemporary, but it has songs like "Leader of the Pack" and other teen dramas. :) Dead Teen Lyrics. My kids will tell you that I don't like them listening to 'suicide songs' or having them ever played in the house, but, for an unknown reason bubblegum pop versions of tragic tales pass my scruples. So, if you are ever in the mood for "Teen Angel"--join me in giggling at my own tears.

07 January 2009

Balaam's Ass

Article I thought worth reading. It is frustrating when our faith is held up for ridicule, but it is good for us to note that sometimes we are ridiculous. Just because we don't like the portrayal does not mean that it isn't how we are percieved. If we are upset over that image, we need to fix it.

01 January 2009

Happy New Year!!!

If you visit our updated Flickr site, you can see photos just uploaded by the kids from New Year's Eve and by me from a car trip David and I took to Colorado Bend State Park. We are scouting out possible campsites for his next long weekend. :)