It is Thanksgiving, and I am frustrated. That doesn't seem right, does it??
I am frustrated, as I often am, by politics posing as religion.
God vs Government: Religious freedom from government interference; civic freedom from religion…that is another post.
My concern today is judgment vs compassion as a Christian, as a patriotic American Christian. Here are some questions that frustrate me:
- Why do faithful believers align themselves stubbornly with political parties? Who authorizes political parties to claim moral superiority?? Pat Buchannan? Jesse Jackson?
- Why do these polarized brothers in faith display such hatred for each other? The use of disparagement, appeal to false authority, and emotional appeals to cultural norms should discredit many high profile individuals and their opinions. And, yet, Americans, even those called to "be not of this world," follow these firebrands like mindless sheep. We are not really mindless sheep. That is unfair to the sheep species. We are narrow minded human—vengeful, proud, strong willed, self-serving humans. And Christians do not stand out as different in this flock. We are failing to follow the only shepherd who knows the true way, and consequently, we are failing to bring others to him.
- Why do some try to bring paradise to earth by expelling all those they find unworthy?? Perfection will never exist on this side of eternity. Morality cannot be legislated if we can't even define morality. Remember that we are judged by the rule we use to judge, we ask for forgiveness as we forgive others, they will know His love because we show it.
- Why does each faction claim to respect life more than others, but argue over its value with no awareness of where life is found? Abortion and the death penalty; euthanasia and welfare; war and peace; truth and freedom; feed the hungry, defend the weak, turn the other cheek... (Save the cheerleader, save the world). To whom does the right to choose belong? Where are the lines drawn…what principles should we establish as a state and as individuals?
- Does anyone notice the historical comparison begged by the situation? Orthodox, righteous, prim and proper…pharisaical hypocrites…don't get me started.
- Why can't I raise these questions without being called names? "Holier-than-thou" is the one that upsets me the most. I'm not holier than anyone. My sin is as clear as the hole in my head. Vanity, pride, self-reliance, intellectual snobbery, disdain, covetousness…do I need to add a disclaimer every time? These questions are not born out of perfection, but out of a desire to know how to grow more Christ-like. I will not apologize or be ashamed of that desire; it is my only redeeming quality. J
Today, I am especially thankful for the knowledge that my Redeemer lives!! He offers life and love to everyone in his creation and he wants me to help pass on the invitation to this special offer.
Let us pray with grateful hearts in the name of Divine Love Incarnate, Jesus, asking the God of Love to instill a deep, incomprehensible passion in our hearts for our families, neighbors, friends and enemies. Amen.